Comes with dust bag, sales invoice, repair receipt, craftsman signature and year of make stamp, orange gift bag, and orange gift box with ribbon.
Introducing the Hermes Constance Bag. This bag was created way back in 1959. The Constance bag was designed by Catherine Chaillet, and named it after her newborn daughter. This elegant shoulder bag has a long strap that can be doubled for a shorter length. It currently has four sizes available, Micro, Mini, 18cm and 23cm (used to be called 23 MM) and Elan.
The Constance Elan was launched in 2010, which is a longer version of the bag. There used to be sizes 18 and 23cm, but both have already been discontinued. Jackie Kennedy Onassis was a big fan of this bag, as she has been often seen it carrying it. These days, Diane Kruger, Mary Kate Olsen and Rachel Bilson have all been spotted with the Hermes Constance Bag. Perfect to use day or night
- Brand: Hermes Replica
- Grade: AAA Grade
- Series: Constance
- SKU: RS05412
- Payment: Credit Card, Western Union, Bank Transfer
- Size: 18cm/23cm
- Shipping: EMS, DHL, UPS
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